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The Junior Leadership Program is a transformative initiative designed to empower high school juniors in Santa Rosa County to develop their leadership potential and make a positive impact in their community. Through a carefully curated curriculum and engaging service projects, participants gain valuable life skills and practical knowledge while fostering a sense of civic responsibility. This program offers a unique opportunity for students to connect with local leaders, decision-makers, and professionals from various industries, providing them with insights into different career paths and the chance to build valuable networks. By exploring leadership concepts, honing their communication and problem-solving abilities, and embracing the spirit of service, participants emerge from the program equipped with the confidence, skills, and commitment to contribute to their community's growth and success.


About the Program

In collaboration with the Santa Rosa County School District, the Gulf Breeze Area Chamber Foundation is pleased to offer this program to incoming High School Juniors attending Santa Rosa County Schools or FL Virtual School. This 5-month program includes 5 curriculum days and a graduation ceremony from September through April of each student's junior year. All costs associated with the program will be sponsored by local businesses and donors. There is no fee for any student to participate. The class will be comprised of up to 35 students chosen by a selection committee.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Junior Leadership Program is to empower high school juniors to develop their leadership potential and make a positive impact in their community. Through a transformative curriculum, engaging service projects, and connections with local leaders and professionals, we aim to equip participants with the confidence, skills, and commitment to contribute to their community's growth and success.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to create a community of young leaders in Santa Rosa County who are engaged, informed, and motivated to drive positive change. We envision a future where these young leaders are actively involved in shaping their community, addressing local challenges, and inspiring others to make a difference.

Apply for Class 2 NOW!

Incoming Juniors for the 2025-2026 school year can apply NOW! Applications must be submitted by 10am on April 14. Applications may be turned in to the Gulf Breeze Area Chamber Office

located at 3044 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

or emailed to

Any questions can be directed to the chamber office by calling (850) 932-7888 or the email address above.

JLSR Virtual QA

Join us for a virtual information session

On April 1, join us on zoom for a virtual information session and Q&A with program facilitators. We will cover details about the program, highlights from last year, what students can expect, and tips on submitting a good application. Plus time for Q&A. Register now for a link to join us.

Congratulations to our inaugural class

On completing the Junior Leadership Santa Rosa program!

We're excited to celebrate with you on April 22 at graduation, sponsored by Pen Air.

Class 2 Sessions

September 9, 2025: Orientation, Leadership Fundamentals, and Self-Discovery

October 7, 2025: Civic Responsibility, Service, and Community

November 4, 2025: Healthcare Industry Exploration

December 2, 2025: Military Focus

January 13, 2026:  Business and Industry, Entreprenuerism

February 10, 2025: Engineering, Technology, Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

April 21, 2026: Graduation Culminating Event and Reflection

Thank you to our sponsors

Sponsorships are available!

Inquiries on how your business can help us shape our leaders of tomorrow can emailed to or by calling our office (850) 932-7888